Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Crushing Asian Shame: Michelle Malkin

I'm starting an installment called "Crushing Asian Shame". I'm a former sufferer of the crushing shame brought on by my traditional Chinese upbringing and have decided it has a place in showing people the wrong of their ways and forcing them to face their problems until they've been adequately resolved.

I had heard about Michelle Malkin but never seen her until this morning on the Today Show. She was talking to Matt Lauer about her new book, "Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies", that accuses President Obama of corruption and cronism of the worst kind we've seen in modern society.

I knew Michelle Malkin was part of the conservative tribe in politics but I never knew that she was Filipina and the writer of the monstrosity, "In Defense of Internment: The World War II Round-Up and What It Means For America's War on Terror".

It's probably old news but this bitch is selling out Yellow people in this book by justifying the internment of Japanese people by advocating racial profiling as a tool to pass judgement and legal action to take away the rights of people that HAVE NOT BEEN PROVEN GUILTY (i.e. are still innocent until proven guilty). Being a specific ethnicity is not probable cause for anything. I don't have a specific problem with the government keeping tabs on suspects for the interest of national security but blanket policies towards specific ethnicities is not just lazy but also socially wrong. HOW DARE she sell out yellow people like that.

But back to her appearance on the Today Show. Michelle Malkin was talking about her new book and when Matt Lauer presented an opposing view for some lively and, I assume, friendly debate Malkin simply did not let him have another word edgewise. Another part of why I think Matt couldn't speak anymore in the interview was that he was simply so shocked at Malkin's statements about the current president and how she cast him as a very corrupt individal and said that Michelle Obama's entire career had been about cronyism.

At the commerical break I imagined Matt going over to his stage manager and asking for a hug because Malkin is such an instigating king kong bitch.

Michelle Malkin, Crushing Asian Shame on you!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hair Cut

I'm fussy about hair cuts. And I've noticed that people that go through most beauty schools are not taught how to cut hair of different races of people.

I had never had a good haircut until I came to live in the Boston area. I grew up in the deep south and most of my visits at the Hair Cuttery ended with a complaint that I have, "That springy, hard to cut hair like a Mexican" and the resulting 3 week wait for my hair to grow out and look decent again.

Now I frequent places like Lisa's Hair salon and sit down to find hair cut sanctuary from a woman that learned how to cut Asian hair. I go to the Korean/Brazilian salon down the street from lisa's and I get an even better haircut from a muscle bound korean man with long blond hair.

This is the surprising part. I live in a very mixed neighborhood and I go to a place where there are pictures of Sinatra, Bennett and Scarface all over the walls. There are porn magazines in the waiting area and the clientele mostly consists of White men almost shouting about sports.

This is the best hair cut I've ever had in my life.

The fellow I go to is White and he just knows how to cut my hair. I haven't asked him why, but I credit his intellect and the fact that he just pays attention to what he's doing and learns from it.