Monday, May 31, 2010

That's right . . .

It's a blog dump to make up for the lack of blogging in recent weeks, nay, months.

I'll probably turn out more like Kevjumba's father than Kevjumba . . . especially the part about the vegetables and the poo poo coming out easier.

But I do enjoy me some good loud booty beatz . . . this is my jam from highschool. I always imagined they were singing to me . . . . . .

Asian Lady Robots

I just bought 5 Asian Lady Weld Masks. One of them is for me.

I will look forever young while pretending to be Iron Man.

Oh . . . and Masshole drivers . . .

A holiday weekend does not a careless driver make!
Drive like a fucking idiot somewhere else and on your own time.

People joke that being yellow makes me a bad driver.

I got my license without studying (because I paid attention when my elders were driving) and I passed driver's ed. with an A+. I worked as a porter for a car dealership and regularly chauffeured clients across town, not only without incident but, with accolades that earned me multiple raises within a 3 month time frame.

Driving according to the rules is not that hard. Being a good driver isn't either.

Sigh . . . I need a beer.

Crossing the Road

My mother taught me that I should stop and look both ways to cross a road. And furthermore to only cross at a crosswalk and never challenge on-coming traffic. It's great advice especially if a vehicle should strike you within the crosswalk (you get to sue them for all they're worth if they hit you).

In MA the law protects pedestrians in the crosswalk.

But only in the fucking crosswalk (I'm talking to you Cambridge assholes) do you have right of way (and also legally protected).

I'm not going to slow down for you unless you are in a crosswalk. In fact I want to speed up when you cross the road (not in a crosswalk) while your face is glued to your iphone in your dick-head attempt to update your twitter and facebook.

And to the dried up old biddy that shouted at me for shaking my head at a jogger crossing the street where there was no crosswalk, I hope you die a horrible dismembering death when you try to cross the road thinking that you always have right of way as a pedestrian.

Fuck you, Cambridge pedestrians. Fuck you and the cars you don't know how to drive.

Canada . . . Why?

There is a wildfire burning in Quebec. It's smoky in Boston.

I didn't need more reason to be angry at Quebecois.
