Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm not white. Get over it!

My brother blogs too and he's been talking a lot about his own experiences with racism as of late.

He lives in something of a backwater town and is often singled out for being ethnic.

We're fairly close and his blog often sounds like mine but a more well spoken and cogent version.

He's not white. Get over it!

Why did you say that?

White Guy: Hey, man! How's it going?
Me: No Bad. How are you?
White Guy: Pretty Good. Did you see the Karate Kid?
Me: They misnamed that movie.
White Guy: . . . Kung Fu?
Me: Yup.

If I didn't actually know this guy I wouldn't have immediately suspected him of talking to me about the recent Karate Kid movie because I'm yellow. But I DO know him and my opinion of him is not exceptionally high nor do I think of him as someone cerebral or 100% aware of his actions.

In short, I'm pretty sure he asked me about the Karate Kid because I'm Asian and he associated "Karate" with my "Yellowness" to try and relate to me.

It's like that song "Kung-Fu Fighting". I'm not sure of it, but I think it was written by an African American trying to relate to Asians through Kung-Fu. F for effort. F- for poor means and shitty content.

Treat me like you treat other people.

In other news, someone today thought it was amusing that I called them a "mensch".
I think that's absolutely farkakte.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

M&M and Asian American

I've been following Minority Militant (whom, to myself, I facetiously call M&M) for at least a year now but only tonight have I read his profile.

If you follow him, you'd know that he's going through some rough times and I simply wanted to show love and support for someone whose frustration I can at the very least imagine and at the most understand.

A few of the things I found poignant in his profile is the very honest communication of his frustrations and how simple it is for him to express the concept of "Asian American".

I don't believe that I can call myself "American" like some of my former racist friends insist. I'm still an outcast and I'm not going to deny the different treatment I get for being yellow by just saying that I am "American".

It's important to say that I am "Asian American" or if need be "Chinese American". For me, and I suspect for the Militant, this is simply our state of being. No need to question it. No need for further discussion until the post racial era gets here . . . if ever.

But, until then I show love and stand with other AA bloggers.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Maybe it's the stress . . . maybe it's the lack of sleep . . . maybe I need someone I respect to look up to . . .

I've been having visions and anxieties related to the passing of my still living father.

Long live my father. He's barely in his mid-sixties and in excellent health. He's quite active despite recent retirement but I just can't shake the anxiety of losing him.

It's probably no coincidence that this comes at a time when I'm being pushed to grow up myself. I'm looking to buy a house, being engaged, helping to raise a sister in-law and more over I'm struggling a little bit to fill the shoes of my new job.

At my age my father had been a university professor for 5 years with a wife and 2 children.

Time for sleep. I hear 8 hours of sleep makes you feel better. I wish someone told me that when I was growing up and getting 4-6 hours of sleep a night.