Monday, November 30, 2009

Dou Xia

I spent the last 5 days with my gf and her family. Instead of a full on turkey dinner with all the fixins, we had hot pot (shabu-shabu) on thanksgiving. Followed by an obligatory game of monopoly and a slice of everything I helped my gf bake the night before. It's nice to be with people where I feel comfortable and I'm simply surprised that I was comfortable with people that weren't blood related.

While everything wasn't roses the entire time (there was also obligatory family tensions) and the fact that I couldn't understand but maybe 1/4 of what was being said, I was still exceptionally comfortable.

In the week prior I laid down the law for her younger sister and laid out a plan of checks and balances to makes sure she does well in school.

It's a testament to how deeply I feel for my gf that I'm starting to really care about her family and their well being.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I haven't written much lately even though lots of racial shit has gone down.

But this entry will be more about where things have gone and not so much about what to do about the future.

I was pursuing a company formation budding from my robotics club. Unfortunately it seems to be much harder to create a company and get support than it is to think of intellectual properties to attach to that company. So that is "on hold" indefinitely.

Fortunately, part of the reason I put my company formation on hold is also because President Obama signed a new defense bill into effect. This included funding for unmanned systems. So the robotics companies are hiring again. As a result I've been applying for jobs in my chosen field.

That coupled with appropriating funds to buy an engagement ring has my mind and time constantly occupied.

But I do have new thoughts to get out and I'll need to share soon again.