Thursday, September 30, 2010


Why are people finding me under the search term "Young Asian GF's"?

It's wrong for so many reasons.

Crushing Asian Shame: Molly Wei

Oh Bitch, hell no.

Molly Wei did something pretty unconscionable to Tyler Clementi at Rutgers University.

Gay or not Tyler Clementi does not deserve to be secretly taped during sex and then exposed via webcast of said taping.

Your parents didn't raise you with enough crushing Asian shame. Now you face your peers and a world that will judge you for what you've done.

Ma and Pa . . . no, not those ones

So I'm effectively married.

I have bling-bling on my thing-thing (ring on my finger, get your mind out of the gutter), I bought a house with my lady, we live together and share finances via joint account.

I also told my fiance that in marrying her I marry her family. This is my modern Chinese philosphy. In traditional Chinese philosophy I totally own my fiance and she is now a part of my family, but that is some "ol' boolsheet" so I'm gonna put a stop to that kind of thinking right now.

But now it's gotten to the point that I should be calling her parents "Ma" and "Pa".

This is definitely something new for me that I hadn't put alot of thought into. I'm definitely not against it, it's just that I've never called anyone "Ma" and "Pa" beside my own parents.

It's a little strange.

My fiance's brother is back and he brought his wife with him. My mother-in-law calls him "my brother".

It's all new and it'll take a while get used to.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Open Letter to other Neighbor

Dear Hispanic People that Live on the Other Side of Me,

You're perfectly nice and your kid's cuteness more than cancels out his vuvuzela blowing (yah he's that cute). But, you asked where I was from, and when I replied "Florida" you seemed disappointed.

You the said, "I mean where are your parents from?"
I said, knowing where the conversation was going, "The Philippines."
You said, "Oh you're Filipino?"
I said, now happy that this part of the conversation could be over, "No, soy Chino."

You said, in English, "Oh, you speak Spanish."
I said, "Creci en Florida."

Why do hispanic people keep mistaking me for hispanic? Yah this guy wasn't sure so he asked but even in Florida people on the street would call me "paco" or ask me the time in spanish. It's happened less in MA but is still strange that anyone would mistake this Chino for Mexicano.

Please tell your friends that I'm Chinese, but that I'm glad to answer in Spanish when forced to.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Transmission Braking

New Manual Transmission - $3000 installed - once every 10-15 years
New Brakes - $500 installed - Once every 7 years

Do the math, jackasses.

Don't use your transmission to brake, because when you do your brake lights don't come on and I don't know you're stopping until after I'd like to.

Also, transmission braking wears out your transmission really quickly. If you do it all the time and at highways speeds (like some clean-late in the black volvo S70 did) your transmission won't last but a few years.

Also, the highway is not a rally racing course nor is it F1 and you are no Danica Patrick.


Open letter to next door neighbors

Dear Neighbors Who are Renters,

Please don't violate my private property, aka, my parking spaces. I know you just got out of school and life is hard because you're learning to live on your own and be grown up, but the furniture pads and other assorted crap on your part of the grass makes me think you don't care.

The 3 dogs and parrot that live in your house also makes me think that you don't care (especially when it's 50 deg F outside and your window is wide open for the world to see that your parrot is tucked into itself and freezing. I've taken care of parrots before and since they're from the jungle they like it warm and humid . . . dummies).

I know you feel like, since mommy gave you too much praise, you deserve 4 parking spaces (when there are really only 2) and to get any less is an injustice equal to racial segregation.

So park out in the street and treat me with respect like someone who's been out of school for 5 years and owns a house and is effectively married.

And if you tell me that you'll "bitch slap" me again for telling you move your car, I'll just tow you without any word. Do you "fucking hate" me now?

Best Regards,

Monday, September 27, 2010

I bought a house

I bought a house. It's a nice, recent construction foreclosure.

The original owner was the builder and he started construction in mid-2006 and finished early 2007. Yah . . . that was a bad decision on his part.

But his loss is my gain.

I'm a regular at Home Depot and I'm learning lots of ways to improve the house cost efficiently.

What a boring post.