Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ma and Pa . . . no, not those ones

So I'm effectively married.

I have bling-bling on my thing-thing (ring on my finger, get your mind out of the gutter), I bought a house with my lady, we live together and share finances via joint account.

I also told my fiance that in marrying her I marry her family. This is my modern Chinese philosphy. In traditional Chinese philosophy I totally own my fiance and she is now a part of my family, but that is some "ol' boolsheet" so I'm gonna put a stop to that kind of thinking right now.

But now it's gotten to the point that I should be calling her parents "Ma" and "Pa".

This is definitely something new for me that I hadn't put alot of thought into. I'm definitely not against it, it's just that I've never called anyone "Ma" and "Pa" beside my own parents.

It's a little strange.

My fiance's brother is back and he brought his wife with him. My mother-in-law calls him "my brother".

It's all new and it'll take a while get used to.

1 comment:

  1. I am going through the same thing. I've had a joint account with the beau for almost a year but now we use it for bills and shopping whereas before it was just fun money. I don't have the same level of security that you do, but I still feel that in a weird way my beau and I are newlyweds. It's a strange adjustment but a nice one.
