Sunday, October 17, 2010

I like to notice things

I the past few months I've been noticing married Asians more often. And in doing so I've been doing some informal data mining.

I've noticed that the 4 of the 5 Asian women I've seen married to White men had highlights.

While only 1 of the umpteen Asian women married to Asian men have had highlights.

I think that is very, very interesting.

Discuss . . .


  1. Married women still get highlights?

  2. So is the highlighted hair symbolic of these Asian women trying to be more White? I always thought that Jennifer Lopez's makeover (lighter hair and eyebrows) was an attempt to make herself look more appealing to Caucasians. Back in the day she used to look more like me, dark hair, dark eyebrows and spanish bangs.

  3. The even more interesting thing was that at least 2 of the 5 Asian women that were married to White men had highlights on top of full dye jobs.

    You think being almost married myself I wouldn't care at all. I'm just slightly less sad about it.
