Friday, October 1, 2010

New Job . . . AGAIN?!?!??!!? WTF?

Yeah, I got another new job. I'll have 3 W2's to worry about next year.

Don't make me tell the whole story . . .

It was a cold winter morning in November of 2007. I was going into "QT Pie Industries" for an interview for my dream job of making the future robots the military would use. I had the interview, kicked its ass and got an offer over the phone. An hour later the offer was rescinded.

The reason I was given for the rescinded offer was purely financial and their middle management was pissed that they couldn't hire me.

Then through the next 3 years I would interview no less than 6 times for multiple positions within the company, some having nothing to do with robotics. The HR was perfectly wonderful but they kept getting blocked by the upper management on hiring for specific positions that I interviewed for.

My last interview was earlier this year and was never resolved even though I thought they needed people right away.

Now the upper management has been replaced and is stable. They called me in a few weeks ago and basically scheduled an interview without really discussing it with me (that's okay because I trust their HR). I felt like the interview was almost a formality.

So now I'm going to start there soon. I'm excited to get back into DoD contractor work again and my career will thank me for making this move.

Now I need to resolve the guilt of leaving my current job after only 3 months and the other guilt of having changed jobs twice in a year where 1 in 10 people don't have jobs.

I'll be in my basement lashing myself if you need me.


1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping this new job brings you security, happiness and helps your career!
